Monday, June 24, 2024

Just get started

So much of what we do or don’t do simply doesn’t happen because of “how it makes us look” or “what other people think”. We all want what’s out there in the world to be the “absolute best”, but the simple fact of the matter is that this isn’t what life is all about.

People care way less than you may think.

Try it. Upload a video to a new channel. Nothing happens.

The fact of the matter is just that you can just go out and try different things. If it ain’t perfect: don’t worry. If it’s meant to be good, then people will pick up on it in the “crappiest version”.

It ain’t about perfection. That can come later.

This is about trying things out. It’s about coloring outside of the lines. This is about going to the excess, to go the extreme, to figure out where things will bend.

And then you know.

Sometimes that’s all there is to it. Sometimes you just have to find out.

Hit the wall.

Try again.

Hit another wall.

Try again.

But learn from it. Make small progress each time, and then you will find out after some time that one of the things that you “put out there”. That it actually works. And they all say that you shouldn’t do it for validation, but man does it feel good. And none of it would have happened if you didn’t get started in the first place.

So just go and do it. Just start. See where it leads. See what happens. And the worst that can happen is that you figure out what doesn’t work. And then you do the opposite. Then you do what does work. And you keep doing it. And you do more of it. And then one day, you got something. You got a fly-wheel, that will keep on spinning, and that’s when you backpedal, try new things, because it feels good, it gives you that rush, and there ain’t nothing quite like it. And that’s when you have found your groove. Now ain’t that something?

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