Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Location Loyalty.

Some years ago there was this statistic that popped up: most people end up living close to where they grew up. There is just something about it that “sticks” and it’s almost in the same vein as that a lot of “luck” is involved as to where you were born. But this is very different from the “loyalty” to a location.

One of the hardest things that I ever did was to move abroad, and to decide to stay abroad for a longer period of time. My main “reason” for staying here was that in life there always has to be a “bigger opportunity”. Without a leap forward, it makes very little sense to return to something that may no longer be there.

But there’s still something about this statistic. Because where you live has a definite impact on your life trajectory. If you manage to surround yourself with like-minded people then your trajectory will be more steep and your life will be better. It’s as simple as that.

But it’s also hard to leave the things behind that you have known your whole life. But is that enough of a reason not to do things? Isn’t it the other way around: in that you should do things exactly because they are hard? Because the hard things are those that will get you to excel and get the best out of “you”.

If you take it to the next level, then it becomes even more obvious. Let’s say that you live in a place with low employment, drug abuse and overall misery. Then leaving should be easier. But in fact it may just be way harder. The “pull” might be stronger than what's keeping you from moving forward. And moving someplace else.

But I do get it. The longer you stay, the deeper the roots, the more you think you will “loose” if you decide to forge another path. But if you have an itch, then you owe it to yourself to explore it. And if there’s no “big opportunity”, then you will have to wait for a “fat pitch”. And when you got your sails up, when you are looking around, ready for opportunities, then you may just find out that everything was relative all along. The “big thing” that you were holding on to isn’t a sacrifice, but it will always be there and you can just go ahead, feeling good about it. When moving forward, there needs to be an indication that things will work out. Without it, mann, just hang on a little while longer.

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