Thursday, August 8, 2024

Is it big enough?

One of the hardest things in life is to back-paddle, and to “reinvent” yourself. To let go of old ways and to go down a new path. The interesting thing is that you have to be cautious, much like with anything else in life.

There is a delicate balance between back-paddling and reinventing yourself, versus going too far back, and creating a disadvantage for yourself. And this is really something that you should realize for yourself before you are “in it”.

That’s why I initially thought that it all came down to this question:

“Is it big enough?”

It seems to be it, but it also feels like it’s cutting it a bit short. Because you can always sort of tell when something is a few steps back and a leap forward. That’s why I think the key is in the time-frame, that’s why I think the sub-text of this question is

“Will this give me leverage?”

Then if you put those two together, then you will have a good indication to determine whether you should move forward in a certain direction. This is part of the checks and balances where you really make up your mind on a course of action. The simple fact of the matter is just that time is always limited, but “things to do” are not. So that’s why you should always determine whether something is really worth your time and energy.

Questions like these will state what you probably already know “when you’re in it” or when you are about to “take a leap”. That’s at least what it was like for me: a while ago I thought that I was at a crossroads, and I was considering making a move but there was something that kept me back. It just “didn’t feel right”, and what it came down to were these two questions. It gave me the clarity of mind to abort and to go look for a better opportunity.

And it always boils down to this: it’s all about the long game.

And in a way it’s funny as well, once you realize that so much of “it” is about the long-game. But it takes time to be able to think not just in years, but in decades. What is hard still is that this means that you will have to wait from time to time, until there’s a huge opportunity. And those moments are rare, so be ready, have your sails up, because when the wind picks up you want to be ready to make a move. And when the time is right, everything sort of falls into place and it will seem like the most natural thing in the world. Now ain’t that something?

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