Thursday, August 29, 2024

Never ever give up.

Never ever give up.

This is the secret to getting further than most: just never give up.

It’s the secret to getting further than those who are smarter than you, who have more money than you, and who are better connected than you.

Just never give up.

That’s the secret.

Because there will be times when you are tired, when you question whether it’s “all worth it”, when you question whether you got what it takes. And when you wonder if it’s “meant to be”.

We all have those experiences from time to time, but that in no way means that you should just give in. It in no way means that you are not doing “what you are supposed to do”. It simply means that this is a moment when the seed of doubt can be planted. Because that’s the real enemy. You can't doubt yourself to get where you want to be. So it’s up to you to say: never—-no. No way.

Never give up.

You will come across people who are smarter than you. Who had it easy when they grew up. Who went to the right schools. Who scored the right credentials. Who had the right group of people around them. But they never really made much of themselves. Why? They gave up.

And you will also notice it the other way. The folks who start with way less than you. Who had it hard. Who had it tough. Who started with disadvantages back, front, center, in and out. And they are way further in life than you were at a similar age. They may have the drive. Sure. But they also did one thing: they just never gave up.

And that’s just how it is when it comes to the big stuff: just never give up.

Just never ever give up.

Just don’t do it.

Because no matter how big your ambition, or how tough your journey, the fact of the matter is that the only obstacle between where you are now, and where you want to be, is simple grit, perseverance, endurance and just wanting “the thing” more than anything else in the world. It’s about doing the thing, and doing it again, and again, and again.

It’s about pushing through.

Because never ever giving up is what separates you from everyone else.

Never ever giving up is what will make you exceptional.

Because the simple fact of the matter is that everything is hard.

Especially when you start.

And every journey worth taking has huge obstacles that you thought you would never get around.

Because every journey worth taking has vast parts of it which are foggy, hazy, and it feels like you are moving into uncharted territory—-because you are.

And it’s scary. Sure. And it’s lonesome. And sometimes you may not know exactly what you should do. And it may feel like you will never get to where you want to be.

So you push through.

You keep going.

No matter what.

Because what’s the alternative?

There is no alternative.

Because that is what separates you from everyone else: you simply never give up.

And then you roll like this for a while. And then you don’t even have to tell yourself these things anymore. It’s then that you have become a machine that’s just “in motion”. And all you have to do then is to give it enough time. Because if you add “time” to “never ever give up”, then you got the secret figured out to really get anywhere in life. Now ain’t that something?

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