Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wolf is at the door.

One of the big “mysteries” is why some people crumble under pressure, and others thrive. It seems that some people just freeze and lose all ability to act in any reasonable capacity. Then there are others who suck it up, they want the pressure, they want to be pushed in the corner. They need constant pressure in order to survive. This is you. This is the new you.

You need the wolf at the door. 

You need to hear it growl.

You need the fear of hearing it howl at night.

You need for it to show its teeth.

You need its claws scraping on the front door.

You need the wolf to ram the door.

You need it hungry.

You need it ready for bloodshed.

You need its shadow on the wall under a blood red moon.

You need it to get ready. You need what makes others crumble. You need to be stressed out of your mind, heart pounding, knees buckling. You need more fear than most can take. You need to be inches away from your breaking point.

You need it to build a wall. To build a fortress. To build a moat. To put together an offense. To fill a war chest. To get so strong and so powerful that nothing can get through.

You need the wolf at the door.

You need the pain, the fear, the urgency.

You need to prove everyone wrong.

And that’s why this is the new you. If you can manage to live with a wolf at the door, while you have a hundred bucks, the rent is 300, the wife is pregnant, and the landlord is pounding at the door. If you can perform under this level of stress, then you can do it all.

And then when you have done it. When you did roll like this for a few years: you look back and you realize that you have been playing on hard mode all this time, and then you imagine the way at which you can dominate if you switch back to easy mode. And this is when everything finally falls into place. Now ain’t that something? 


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